Archive for January 2018

AAPS Arrives in Mississauga: Discover Our School’s New Campus!

AAPS’ new campus represents a broadening of opportunities for prospective students who want to attend a top school in Mississauga.

The Challenges to Developing Trials for Orphan Drugs After Clinical Research Training

Developing trials for orphan drugs after clinical research training can be a bit challenging. Find out why addressing the rarest of diseases may get tricky.

How Vegan Cheese Went From Yuck to Yum: An Overview for Students of Food Quality Control

The phrase “vegan cheese” is often met with skepticism by vegans and omnivores alike. For many eco-conscious eaters, the prospect of giving up cheese is the final barrier that prevents them from making the leap from vegetarianism to veganism. This is because, up until quite recently, vegan cheese options were fairly limited and dissimilar from the original dairy product. However, through developments in food science, safety, and quality, vegan cheese has become a much more palatable option for anyone who needs to remove dairy from their diets. These innovations could also have important implications for food quality control and assurance.. READ MORE »

Student Success Story!

Sharing these success stories makes us proud to know we have be able to help change lives. Dear AAPS: I’m extremely happy to let you know that I’ve received my offer letter to join as Project Management Associate at Axiom real-time metrics solutions, On. AAPS course has been an excellent place which has oriented me appropriately to start my clinical research career in Canada. Dr. John Eissenhoeffer’s classes and discussions made me thorough with the subjects of ethics, and medical writing etc, and his assignments have added on to my online certifications- including plain language certificate and TCPS- 2. I’m.. READ MORE »

A Quick Intro to Pharmacogenomics for Students in Clinical Research Courses

Height, weight, and gender are some of the standard factors looked at when determining the appropriateness or dosage of a medication, but even accounting for several of these may not result in a perfect solution. Accounting for the very genetic code of the individual who is meant to receive a treatment, though, could be the key to providing the precise care that is best suited for each person.  Pharmacogenomics is the study of how the genome affects an individual’s reaction to a drug that enters their system. In an age of heightened focus on genetic modification and engineering, it is.. READ MORE »

Pros With a Certificate in Nutrition Recommend These 5 Tips for Healthy Eating in the Winter

Staying healthy can be a challenge in the winter. As the days get colder and shorter, people stay indoors more, exercise less, and indulge in unhealthy treats during the holidays. When all of these factors combine, it can be easy to slip into bad habits. However, as an aspiring nutritionist, you can help clients avoid some of the common pitfalls of the season, and stay on track to achieve their goals. Keep reading for a few helpful tips that will keep your clients’ health from being left out in the cold during the winter months. 1. Advise Clients to Opt.. READ MORE »
