Archive for February 2020

Want a Cannabis Career? Learn About Grow Room Set Up & Design

Making plans to set up a grow room is exciting, highly detailed work. However, before you start cultivating cannabis, you must obtain licenses from Health Canada and the CRA unless the product contains less than 0.3 percent THC. When you have met the requirements of the authorities, only then can you follow through on your grow room plans. What do you have to consider as you set up your grow room? Essentially, your cannabis cultivation plans must take into consideration cost efficiency and plant health. These two major points encompass the wide range of elements that will factor into the.. READ MORE »

Hemp CBD vs Cannabis CBD Explained for Students in Cannabis Retailer Training

If you’re interested in cannabis retail, whether as an owner, manager, or retail worker, product knowledge is important. It makes sense to make product knowledge part of your preparation to work in the cannabis industry. Confident product knowledge will help sales and make customers feel assured about what they are purchasing. Keep reading to learn the difference between CBD derived from hemp plants versus CBD from cannabis plants. Know What CBD Is Before Your Cannabis Retailer Training Cannabidol is commonly referred to as CBD and is found in the trichomes of cannabis plants. It is the most common type of.. READ MORE »

Common Job Interview Questions for Students in CCRP Training

A career as a Certified Clinical Research Professional (CCRP) will be both demanding and rewarding, and come with a variety of different kinds of opportunities. When you begin your job search, it will be important to keep in mind two essential questions: What kind of job are you best suited to? What kind of organization is best suited to you? If you have a clear idea of what you want to do, then it will be easier to make sure you are making the most out of your applications. When you are called in for an interview, your targeted approach.. READ MORE »

About Packaging For Those Pursuing Cannabis Industry Careers

  With respect to packaging cannabis products, businesses in Canada have faced the challenge of branding without branding, so to speak. Most typical strategies for creating a brand identity are disallowed. Also, for many there are concerns about the amount of plastic being used for cannabis packages. However, both of these challenges are being approached in innovative ways that follow regulations set out by Health Canada. Above all else, it’s imperative to familiarize yourself with regulations for packaging. As always, it’s best to consult the regulatory documents directly and stay up to date with changes. For example, it was reported.. READ MORE »

Doing Nutrition and Health Training? Know These Fermented Drinks

In November 2019, the BC Centre for Disease Control began a collaboration with the BC Institute of Technology to test over 700 bottles of kombucha from all over Canada for their alcohol content. What prompted this study? Although kombucha has been commercially distributed for decades and the amount of alcohol allowed is regulated, procedures for transport, storage, and testing are still a little murky. If you are interested in the scientific fundamentals of nutrition, the history, processing, and regulation of fermented drinks provide a framework to consider several aspects of food processing and how it relates to health. Fermentation refers.. READ MORE »

How to Manage Aphids in Cannabis Quality Assurance

Similar to other crops, cannabis plants are susceptible to pests and disease. Pest control products are regulated by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), and their guidelines should be consulted on a regular basis. A few of the most commonly mentioned pests you may have to deal with in the cannabis industry include the following: Aphids Spider mites Fungus Gnats More specifically, there is the phorodon cannabis, which is one of approximately four thousand species of aphid. How does the cannabis aphid, and other aphids, get into grow rooms? One entomologist in Colorado suggests that the movement of cuttings and.. READ MORE »

A Good Time to Take Food Technology Courses? Find Out as Ontario Invests in Food Safety

The responsibility to protect consumers from foodborne illness, commonly referred to as food poisoning, belongs to all three levels of government. The average spending on food safety by the provincial Ontario government and municipalities, along with the Federal government, is approximately $105.7 million each year. If you are interested in science and understanding how food makes it onto grocery store shelves or restaurants, a career in food technology might be right for you. Why might this be a good time to train for a career in the food industry? Earlier this year, the Canadian Agricultural Partnership was announced, and the.. READ MORE »
