In recent years, diet and nutrition have blown up in the arena of public interest. More and more people are understanding the importance of nutrition in maintaining both physical and mental health.
Superfoods are a popular choice for those looking to maximize their nutritional intake. Each year, these nutrient-foods emerge boasting their capacity to positively impact health. Many superfoods are packed full of numerous healthy compounds, from antioxidants to vitamins to fibre. Some of these foods have been in the running for years, while others are making their debut and taking the nutrition market by storm. Here’s a closer look at some of the most popular superfoods of this year!
1. A Look at Fermented Foods For Those in Sport and Nutrition Training
The health of your gut plays an important part in the stability of the whole body. That’s why probiotic-rich foods continue to stand among the world’s most popular superfoods. Probiotics have been found to boost digestive health and increase immune function. Fermentation is a process that not only preserves the food, but has also been shown to boost the levels of healthy bacteria—or probiotics—in the gut. Popular fermented foods include:
- Sauerkraut
- Tempeh
- Kimchi
- Kombucha

Probiotics contribute to improved gut health and immune function
2. Beets Linked to Improved Athletic Performance
Students in sport and nutrition training will be interested to learn that foods with high nitrate levels have been linked to improved exercise performance. Nitrates found in fruits and vegetables are converted to nitric oxide in the body, a molecule that has been shown to lower blood pressure and assist brain function. For those looking to improve their athletic abilities, beets are one of the most common sources of natural nitrates. Other popular sources include celery, pomegranate, and leafy greens. On the other hand, it’s a good idea to avoid foods with added nitrates, including bacon and ham, which have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

Students in nutrition training should note the health benefits of natural nitrates found in beets
3. Legumes Are Associated with Lowering Cholesterol
Legumes are a common food group that includes lentils, chickpeas, beans, soybeans, and peanuts. Legumes have been linked to various health benefits, including lower levels of cholesterol and reduced risk of heart disease. Praised for their high fibre content, legumes also create a lasting feeling of fullness for those concerned with weight management.
Beans and other legumes offer a healthy protein source for those concerned with maintaining muscle condition and athletic performance. Students earning their sport nutrition certificate will understand the nutritional requirements for different athletes, with modules covering:
- Nutrition for the endurance-sports athlete
- Nutrition for the strength-sports athlete
- Nutrition for intermittent exercise and sports
This will teach you to understand the optimal diet based on the nutritional and metabolic demands of exercise.

Legumes are a nutritious source of fibre and protein
4. Breadfruit Boasts a Variety of Nutrients
While breadfruit has long been a staple of the South Pacific diet, it’s slowly making a name for itself in the superfood market. Breadfruit is praised as a more nutritious alternative to potatoes, thanks to its lower glycemic index. Unlike potatoes, breadfruit boasts a wide range of nutrients, including 25% of the daily recommended fibre intake in a ½ cup serving. Other nutrients include:
- Vitamin C
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Potassium
- B1 and B3 vitamins
As a complete protein source, breadfruit is a great addition to a vegan or vegetarian diet.
By understanding the many health benefits of eating a nutrient-rich diet derived from superfoods, students can apply their knowledge to offer professional advice on diets catering to weight management and athletic performance.
Are you ready to earn your certificate in nutrition?
Contact the Academy of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences today!