Students Begin A New Semester

This week students at AAPS begin a new academic term. AAPS is excited to share what our students will be learning in upcoming weeks.

Blog Post 1The term marks the beginning for AAPS’ Introduction to Good Manufacturing Practices course where students will learn the history, rational and purpose behind GMP requirements. Students will be taught the importance of packaging, labeling, testing and control of pharmaceutical products.

In our Laboratory series, students enrolled in AAPS Pharmaceutical Laboratory Testing course will be taught practical application of pharmaceutical analysis and techniques as well as Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). This particular course thoroughly prepares students for a pharmaceutical career with active training to enhance their understanding of GLP.

This semester also includes two levels of Dissolution Testing, an introductory course that focuses on the theory and practice of dissolution testing of pharmaceutical products as well as a more advanced course which comprehensivelyAAPS FTSQ Class - May 26, 2015 205covers the practical aspect of dissolution profiling, dissolution calibrations and USP calibrators.

Students enrolled in the High Performance Liquid Chromatography course enter a more advanced level of training this term, focusing on HPLC analytical method validation and various critical issues that need to be considered when validating HPLC methods.

Students in the Regulatory Affairs Diploma Program will discuss New Drug Development and Pre-Clinical Drugs. These courses will provide students with knowledge of new drug development and preclinical requirements for drug development and help them become familiar with the various strategies used in the pre-clinical stages of the drug development process.

AAPS also offers a range of other great pharmaceutical certificate programs that focus onmany different industry related skills such as: manufacturing, quality control and quality assurance and laboratory techniques.

Best of luck in the new term!


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885 Sheppard Avenue West Toronto, Ontario M3H 2T4, Canada

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