Posts Tagged: cannabis quality assurance training

Ensuring Quality: A Guide to Good Production Practices in Cannabis

Cannabis production is a methodical science, with the industry subject to strict regulations and quality assurance principles. Those interested in starting a cannabis business in Canada must first obtain a federal cannabis license. As part of the application criteria, license holders must demonstrate their understanding of Good Production Practices (GPP) and provide evidence that their facility complies with those practices.  GPP requirements apply to cannabis that is produced, packaged, distributed, and sold in Canada. License holders must prove that their activities meet the quality standards and that they have developed a system with written guidelines, sanitation procedures, proper equipment, and.. READ MORE »

Cannabis Cultivation Explained for Those Interested in Cannabis Quality Assurance Training

Cannabis is a plant with a wide variety of uses, from medically-beneficial oils to hemp fibres that can be used to create clothing. When surveying the range of cannabis products available, it can be easy to forget that all forms of cannabis derive from a plant. This plant needs to be carefully cultivated to ensure the products are of a high quality.  The cannabis plant requires the resources that all plants do: light, nutrients, air, and water. How these elements are manipulated will change the quality and type of the resulting product. The plant can also be pruned and trained.. READ MORE »

Interested in Cannabis Quality Assurance Training? Here’s a Quick Guide to Cannabis Recalls

Those holding a cannabis retail licence in Canada should know that there are regulations in place with regards to recalling cannabis products. Health Canada has published a guide outlining how voluntary recalls are determined, and what is necessary for products to be recalled in order to reduce the risk of adverse effects on the public’s health. In any recall situation, those with a cannabis licence must work alongside anyone else who contributes to its production, and exchange information frequently amongst each other during the recall process. Although situations where a recall may be necessary can vary in severity and risk.. READ MORE »

Pest Control Tips for Cannabis Quality Assurance Students

Like many other types of plants, cannabis crops can be vulnerable to destruction by insects when it comes time to harvest them. There are also many ways in which these pests can interfere with crops that are grown indoors and outdoors. Anyone hoping to find a career in cannabis quality assurance should understand how pests can derail the healthy growth of these plants, and how to prevent further damage. Since these types of insects can multiply rapidly, it is necessary to prevent pests and mitigate potential risks to plants in greenhouses or outdoors to maintain healthy crops, and the ability.. READ MORE »

HACCP for Cannabis Quality Assurance and Processing

In the late 1950s, a group of scientists and engineers who worked with food products developed what is known as hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP). Sixty years later, HACCP has become a well-established system used by producers and manufacturers to make sure food products are safe for consumers. Now HACCP also plays a major role in the cannabis industry. Since late 2019, the sale of edible cannabis products has been legal in Canada. In order for this part of the cannabis industry to provide safe, quality products to consumers, HACCP is necessary. Keep reading to learn more about.. READ MORE »

Cannabis Quality Assurance Training and Where Plant Sanitation Comes In

The key to quality assurance, with respect to cannabis plant sanitation, is that it begins before plants even start growing. When planning a cannabis cultivation operation, there are regulations to follow and best practices that will ensure your plant sanitation is efficient and meets the necessary standards. After proper training and licensing, the choices you make in setting up your cannabis facilities can make all the difference. For example, it is advisable to choose flooring and wall materials that are non-porous and smooth, so that sanitation is efficient and easily managed. Keep reading to learn more about sanitation and why.. READ MORE »

How to Manage Aphids in Cannabis Quality Assurance

Similar to other crops, cannabis plants are susceptible to pests and disease. Pest control products are regulated by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), and their guidelines should be consulted on a regular basis. A few of the most commonly mentioned pests you may have to deal with in the cannabis industry include the following: Aphids Spider mites Fungus Gnats More specifically, there is the phorodon cannabis, which is one of approximately four thousand species of aphid. How does the cannabis aphid, and other aphids, get into grow rooms? One entomologist in Colorado suggests that the movement of cuttings and.. READ MORE »

What Cannabis Quality Assurance Students Should Know About Audits

Audits from Health Canada and third parties prevent companies from relying solely on internal teams to judge quality. If internal assessments are all that a company has, standards can fall. As a part of ongoing regulatory requirements, Health Canada conducts audits of cannabis facilities. In most cases, it will not conduct a fully conclusive audit of all factors, but rather will evaluate specific areas of the business. Some companies choose to have a third party audit the company, so that they can be sure all areas are up to par before Health Canada conducts its audits. There are also different.. READ MORE »
