Posts Tagged: clinical research

GVP and GCP Inspections: How They Affect Clinical Research

When a drug is ready to be widely distributed, GVP and GCP inspections are necessary steps to take beforehand. GVP inspections are done for any establishment selling or importing a drug after its approval, while GCP inspections are undertaken during clinical trials. Such inspections are meant to ensure these trials are compliant with regulations, the establishments are reporting any adverse reactions to the drug(s), and that integrity and quality control standards are met. Short for Good Pharmacovigilance Practice and Good Clinical Practice respectively, these inspections are also completed to make sure all participants will be safe during the trials. Here’s.. READ MORE »

Curious About CCRP Courses? Discover These Facts About Natural Health Product Licensing

The career of someone involved in clinical research has a lot to do with pharmaceutical and health products, but this isn’t only limited to the prescription medications that may initially come to mind. Natural Health Products (NHPs) are substances that don’t require a prescription to purchase, and includes, but is not limited to:         Vitamins         Minerals         Herbal remedies         Homeopathic medicines         Probiotics         Chinese traditional medicines         Ayurvedic traditional medicines According to a 2010 Ipsos-Reid survey,.. READ MORE »

Common Job Interview Questions for Students in CCRP Training

A career as a Certified Clinical Research Professional (CCRP) will be both demanding and rewarding, and come with a variety of different kinds of opportunities. When you begin your job search, it will be important to keep in mind two essential questions: What kind of job are you best suited to? What kind of organization is best suited to you? If you have a clear idea of what you want to do, then it will be easier to make sure you are making the most out of your applications. When you are called in for an interview, your targeted approach.. READ MORE »

5 Things for Students in Medical Device to Know About Drug Delivery Implants

Students in pharmaceutical school take note: pill regimens and daily injections could soon be replaced with advanced medical implants that do the dosing for you.

Clinical Research, Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Certificate Program

Are you interested in a career in any of the following fields? Clinical Research Coordinator Quality Control in Clinical Research Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Pharmaceutical Project Management Clinical Data Management Clinical Research Project Leader If yes, AAPS is happy to announce that our Clinical Research, Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Certificate Program might be right for you! Courses can be taken in-class and online, and cover topics such as: Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Clinical Research SOP Development GCP and GVP Inspections & Audits Clinical Study and Safety Reporting Activities Interpersonal Skills and Negotiation Techniques Post Marketing Compliance for Safety Monitoring Global.. READ MORE »

BC Clinical Research Breakthrough: Prostate Cancer Drug to Begin Trials

This year, approximately 24,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in Canada. For nearly 80 per cent of them, surgery and radiation will be enough to wipe out the cancer. However, for the remaining 20 per cent, there’s little that can be done to cure them—until now. On December 2nd, Dr. Marianne Sadar from the BC Cancer Agency announced that a new breakthrough drug has been approved for clinical trials. That drug, known as EPI-506, has the potential to shrink tumours that resist current treatments. Here’s a look at how this new drug could be a game changer, and.. READ MORE »

Trial By Twitter: The Growing Role Of Social Media In Clinical Research

According to recent studies, the average person spends just over an hour and a half on social media every day, and has approximately five different social media accounts. As a result, it’s no wonder that industries as diverse as retail, travel and hospitality, and even manufacturing are using social media to recruit new employees, advertise their products, and inform clients about their company. So far, one industry has been lagging a bit behind. Pharmaceutical companies, which need to maintain a very professional image, have been a hesitant to dive into the laid back world of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest,.. READ MORE »

Congratulations Ananda and Shalini!

AAPS is very happy to share that two of our  students recently found full time employment. Yesterday, AAPS’ Clinical Research students gathered in celebration of this wonderful news. Congratulations go out to Ananda and Shalini! You have all the qualities needed to succeed, we know you will do great things in this new chapter of your lives. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope you will always remember your time at AAPS.

CCRP Designation for AAPS Students

AAPS is thrilled to announce that has been recognized by the Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA).  AAPS clinical research, drug safety and pharmacovigilance will be counted toward SOCRA’s CCRP Certification eligibility. This certification is highly valuable and widely recognized by the clinical research community. About SOCRA: The Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA) is a non-profit organization that specializes in providing education, certification and networking opportunities for individuals involved in Clinical Research activities. Through membership, educational programing and their certificate program, they have been able to create a unique community of Clinical Research professionals, foster professional development and promote.. READ MORE »

Clinical Research Experts Debate the Health Benefits of Chocolate

If you have a sweet tooth, you’ve likely heard the recent rumour that chocolate is good for your health. If you decide to pursue a career in clinical research, you’ll be doing the work that ensures such claims are valid, bringing new and tasty truths to light. In-depth clinical research reveals that cocoa is indeed healthy as it contains flavonoid and flavonol compounds; toxin-destroying antioxidants. But is that enough to counteract chocolate’s unhealthy fattening effects and justify a new, healthy reputation? Read on to learn what clinical research reveals about chocolate’s controversial health claims. Chocolate’s Benefits Proven through Clinical Research.. READ MORE »
