Posts Tagged: diploma in nutrition

5 Immune System Boosting Foods for Nutrition Training Students

People do all sorts of things to ward off illness during the winter months, like wrapping themselves up in warm blankets, taking cold medication, and receiving flu vaccines. However, one thing very few people think to do is change their diets in order to boost immunity. Exposure to cold weather lowers our core body temperatures, weakening our immune system and leaving us prone to colds and other seasonal bugs. There are a number of healthy foods that do wonders for rebuilding and strengthening immune systems. For nutrition students, adding extra immunity-boosting foods to meal plans during winter is important, as.. READ MORE »

A Quick Guide to Superfoods for Nutrition Students

If you’re interested in becoming a certified nutritionist, you likely already know that food is more than just fuel for the body. A carefully crafted, healthy diet is proven to reduce a person’s risk of both physical and mental illnesses, and even certain types of cancer. “Superfoods” are foods that today’s health scientists find to have great nutritional value. Understanding which foods to eat for specific benefits will be your job as a nutritionist, so having a working knowledge of superfoods is essential. Whether you are planning to enroll in nutrition courses, or you have recently started your program, read.. READ MORE »
