Posts Tagged: food safety certification in Toronto

In Quality Assurance Training? Here’s What You Need to Know about Food Safety Audits

Audits are an essential component of maintaining safety standards in the food and beverage industry. Food safety audits are designed to bring transparency and efficiency to each stage of the supply chain. With proper audit procedures, restaurants and facilities can ensure the health and safety of their customers, while protecting their own certification.  These standards must be upheld by food businesses around the world in order to identify any potential health risks as soon as possible. Understanding the reasoning and methodology of food safety audits is essential to running any safe and successful food business. Let’s take a closer look.. READ MORE »

How Professionals with Food Handling Certificates Prepare for Restaurant Inspections

A food handling certificate is important for a career as a food plant and operations manager, a quality assurance manager, a chef, or any other role in a restaurant team. When working in a restaurant, your food handling certificate will give you the right knowledge to ensure that food is handled and prepared safely so that your restaurant passes its food inspection. The exact rules for food safety differ across Canada and can be handled by provincial governments, municipalities or regional health authorities. Toronto, for example, uses its own DineSafe regulation which adheres to both Ontario’s food safety regulations and.. READ MORE »

The Benefits of Improved Traceability: A Food Safety Student’s Guide

Today’s consumers want to know more about the health and safety of their food. The “farm-to-table” or “factory-to-table” movement has consumers expecting comprehensive information about where food comes from and how it is handled. In a word: traceability. Increasing traceability is now a collaborative effort among today’s businesses, trade associations, industry groups, and regulatory agencies. Food quality assurance professionals are driven by government regulations and consumer pressure to promote improved traceability using consistent, interoperable data-sharing processes based on global standards. If you are planning to pursue a food safety career, read on to learn the benefits of traceability in today’s food.. READ MORE »
