Posts Tagged: food safety program

Taking Food Safety Training? Learn How Wiley’s “Poison Squad” Impacted Food Regulations

If you have ever wondered how regulations that keep food safe to consume came about, you may be surprised to learn the answer. In the early 1900s, an American chemist named Dr. Harvey Wiley brought a group of men together to willingly eat harmful substances included in their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This group would later become known as the “Poison Squad”, and a book about the experiment with the same name was published in 2019. The experiment would ultimately lead to federal regulations being enforced in the United States with regards to food safety, including the forming of the.. READ MORE »

Factors Affecting Microbial Growth that Food Safety Workers Should Know

In foods where there are sufficient nutrients and favourable conditions for growth, microorganisms can thrive. The most important of these microorganisms to consider is bacteria, since while they are often harmless or beneficial, they can be very dangerous. Yeasts, molds, and viruses are other microorganisms that can exist in food and cause safety threats. In your career, you will need to be aware of factors creating the ideal environment for these tiny life forms to grow, so that you can mitigate risks. Read on to learn more about which factors affect this, how you can keep food safer by monitoring.. READ MORE »

After Your Food Safety Program Here’s What You Should Know About Food Intoxication

Unlike parasites or other infections, food intoxication happens when ingested food contains toxins that make consumers sick. Proper food preparation and processing is very important, to be sure to minimize or avoid: Unfavourable chemical reactions Contamination Harmful chemicals Sometimes foodborne infection can be confused with intoxication. The difference lies in that infection is caused by the actual bacteria once it is in the intestines, while intoxication comes from toxins (often created by bacteria), meaning that the physical organisms are not what make people sick. Read on for more information about food intoxication and how it occurs. Know How Food Intoxication.. READ MORE »

Why Experts Say the “Kill-Step” Is so Important to Food Quality Control

The “kill-step” in food manufacturing is the point at which dangerous pathogens are removed from the product. This is often done by killing the pathogens. It is one of the most important steps in keeping food safe. Outbreak prevention is a priority in the food industry and must be taken seriously and optimized. Since bacteria ends up on almost every food ingredient, it must be managed and prevented from reaching harmful levels in the food consumed by the public. Some kill-step processes include: Cooking Pasteurization Chemicals Freezing Read on to learn why this step is so necessary for food safety.. READ MORE »

3 Things Students in Food Safety Programs Should Know About Cross-Contamination

People working in the food industry have an obligation to ensure that the foods they work with are kept safe from cross-contamination. While the vast majority of food is safe, when problems do occur, such as product recalls and outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, they are often because of cross-contamination. Taking measures to prevent cross-contamination is something that should be done at every food facility, whether on the farm or in the kitchen. If you’re interested in a career in the food industry, here are three things you should know about cross-contamination. 1. Cross-Contamination Is Likely the Leading Cause of Food.. READ MORE »

Are 3D Ocean Farms the Future of Food? What Students in Food Safety Programs Can Learn

Imagine a completely new way of growing food that doesn’t just have zero impact on the environment, but actually improves it. GreenWave, an innovative organization in New York, is looking to dramatically shift the way the world farms and produces food. The company’s CEO and Executive Director, Bren Smith, has been a commercial fisherman for all his life and believes ocean farming offers promising hope for a sustainable future. Read on to learn more about 3D ocean farming and what it could mean for students in food safety programs. 3D Ocean Farming Explained for Students in a Food Safety Program.. READ MORE »

What Students in Food Safety Programs Can Learn From the 3 Biggest Food Safety Incidents

As an aspiring food safety professional you will play an important role in ensuring that the food in fridges and pantries across the country—and even around the world—is safe to eat. Your comprehensive education will train you to foresee potential safety mishaps and prevent them from happening. With your knowledge and training, you might even save lives as you help ensure the safety of anyone who consumes the food you handle. For students interested in food safety and quality assurance, a lot can be learned from these food safety incidents. Read on to discover how these catastrophes hold valuable lessons… READ MORE »

3 Ways Food Safety Training Pros Say Online Food Ordering May Lead To Better Health

How do you know what food is the safest and healthiest to eat? Nowadays, there are so many options—cooking, going out, ordering over the phone, ordering online—that it can be difficult to pinpoint which is the best option for you. While each has benefits, ranging from the amount of effort required to the amount of time before eating, food safety professionals now believe that ordering food online is the best bet on the road to improving health. Read on to find out three reasons food safety professionals believe that ordering food online is beneficial. 1. Grads of Food Safety Programs.. READ MORE »
