Food treatment is an important step in food production to maintain nutritional benefits and avoid harmful contamination. This includes the process of pasteurization, which is just one technique used for food conservation. A career in food safety will place you in a vital role in the food production process, where you’ll apply your specialized knowledge to implement fundamental qualities of food assurance. Whether you want to brush up on your pre-existing skills, or are brand new to food safety and quality, the diploma program at AAPS will give you a hands-on approach to training in the field. With the state-of-the-art.. READ MORE »
A Food Technology, Safety, and Quality program takes a hands-on approach to ensuring the quality and safety of food products, allowing students to gain specialized knowledge and skills for the industry today. Implementing the fundamental principles of quality assurance is essential in the food industry to ensure that products are safe for public consumption. According to Job Bank data from the Government of Canada, the availability of positions in the food technology sector is expected to exceed the number of job seekers in the field. For those seeking a career in high demand, food safety and quality could be a.. READ MORE »
A sanitation plan is crucial in any food preparation area to uphold the safety and quality of food plants. Bacteria can grow on unsanitary surfaces and contaminate any food on those surfaces. In that case, a clean work environment is essential to prevent the transmission of foodborne illness. Proper sanitation procedures ensure that all facilities and equipment are cleaned on a regular basis to reduce the spread of bacteria or other pathogens. With regular practice, potential food safety hazards can be eliminated at each stage of the production cycle. The core of any sanitation plan is knowing the suitable protocols.. READ MORE »
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, their impact on the environment, and their effect on human physiology. When it comes to the food industry, microbiologists perform essential work on the front line of food safety. These professionals study foodborne pathogens and assess whether food products comply with health and safety regulations. Food microbiologists may work in product development and quality control for food manufacturers, governments, or research universities. A career as a food microbiologist attracts skilled individuals with a natural interest in scientific disciplines, attention to detail, and a flair for problem-solving work. You should be comfortable working in a.. READ MORE »
Audits are an essential component of maintaining safety standards in the food and beverage industry. Food safety audits are designed to bring transparency and efficiency to each stage of the supply chain. With proper audit procedures, restaurants and facilities can ensure the health and safety of their customers, while protecting their own certification. These standards must be upheld by food businesses around the world in order to identify any potential health risks as soon as possible. Understanding the reasoning and methodology of food safety audits is essential to running any safe and successful food business. Let’s take a closer look.. READ MORE »
Ensuring food safety is a top priority for any business. In any food production environment, manufacturers must follow strict practices to ensure that the food meets a safe standard for public consumption. With guidelines on proper handling, cooking and storage, food safety controls work as a defense against foodborne illnesses and, in many provinces, are required by law. While many factors affect the growth of pathogens in food, time and temperature are two of the most important variables to control along the production chain. Time and temperature controls should be applied to foods including dairy products, eggs, meat, tofu, and.. READ MORE »
If you have ever wondered how regulations that keep food safe to consume came about, you may be surprised to learn the answer. In the early 1900s, an American chemist named Dr. Harvey Wiley brought a group of men together to willingly eat harmful substances included in their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This group would later become known as the “Poison Squad”, and a book about the experiment with the same name was published in 2019. The experiment would ultimately lead to federal regulations being enforced in the United States with regards to food safety, including the forming of the.. READ MORE »
With an effective HACCP plan, restaurants have a better chance at keeping their clients safe at all times. This system sets out the principles for food safety for all businesses serving it, and how to minimize and eliminate any possible risk. Short for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, HACCP is a necessary system to apply to every phase of the supply chain for food products. These restrictions are followed by food businesses around the world, and aim to catch any potential danger as early as possible. Understanding HACCP, and the principles acting as its foundation, is essential to preventing any.. READ MORE »
Food safety is a top priority for manufacturers. They must implement policies and follow rigorous guidelines in production and processing environments to ensure that all items released to market are safe for public consumption. A failure to comply with such measures can lead to foodborne illnesses, which may in the worst of circumstances lead to loss of life. Further consequences of such incidents can include a reduction in public confidence, serving to damage the brand’s reputation for a long time. To understand some of the top causes of compromised food safety, and what best practices can be employed in food.. READ MORE »
The food industry and Canada’s food safety regulators are responsible for making sure food is safe. However, approximately 4 million illnesses occur each year from food-borne pathogens in Canada. One reporter also noted that many food-borne illnesses go unreported, suggesting that a higher estimate could be made. A study was released by the University of Guelph in 2019 and its researchers think one way to reduce these illnesses is through cookbooks. Why? They say cookbooks could be a form of risk communication for consumers if authors worked with food safety professionals. Whether or not that will happen remains to be.. READ MORE »