For any drug to be deemed safe for public consumption, it must first go through a life cycle of development. In Canada, this process is heavily regulated by the federal government, and must adhere to the guidelines of the Canadian Drug Review and Approval Process. Before any drug can be submitted to Health Canada for approval, it must undergo a series of phases, from preliminary research all the way to clinical trials. But what exactly do these processes for verifying a drug’s safety and efficacy involve? And why is each step necessary? Here’s what those seeking clinical research careers should.. READ MORE »
The importance of time management in clinical trials can’t be understated, with delays and missed deadlines quickly maxing out budgets, and having the potential to terminate trials altogether. Many missed trial deadlines, according to some research, occur due to poor project management and inefficient use of time rather than poorly executed scientific approaches. With this in mind, it makes sense for students of clinical research training to get into the habit of practicing superior time management strategies now, before they begin working professionally. Here are a few basic yet effective approaches to follow. Set Your Goals When you’re taking your.. READ MORE »