The pharmaceutical industry is an innovative and rapidly evolving sector, but one area of advancement that some pharmaceutical students may be less familiar with is the recent and ongoing development of smart packaging. Smart packaging can be used for a number of purposes. It could help increase patient compliance, which is a benefit not only for pharmaceutical companies but also for patients themselves. It could offer a form of validation to help consumers steer clear of counterfeit drugs, which can pose substantial health risks. It could also offer consumers information about whether a product has been tampered with and whether.. READ MORE »
Aspirin is a popular medication used for a variety of conditions. Throughout its significant history, it has become a trusted option for the public to turn to when faced with ailments such as pain, migraines, and inflammation. As professionals working in the medical industry may know, nearly 100 billion tablets are ingested each year. With many benefits surrounding this common medication, Aspirin has a significant story behind its development. For students considering a career in the pharmaceutical industry, here is a summary of this impressive history. The Early History of Aspirin for Students in Pharmaceutical Courses Long before its approval.. READ MORE »
The development of new medication is a long, multi-step process. This is to ensure careful testing and research is conducted, and that medicines are as safe and effective as they can be. One important part of the development process is the preclinical trial phase, in which medication undergoes preliminary testing before it is ever administered to a person. This step is vital to ensuring that human test subjects who participate in later trials are not at great risk of harm. Want to learn a bit more about preclinical trials? Here’s a closer look at why these trials are so important… READ MORE »
Are you considering enrolling in pharmaceutical courses? If so, the future looks promising. The pharmaceutical industry in Canada and around the world is growing, opening up many opportunities for new graduates to start their careers. Taking courses at a top pharmaceutical school makes all the difference. AAPS is known for producing well-rounded, qualified, and capable students. As a result, our graduates, whether they study online or onsite, have the highest employment rate in the entire industry. If you’re trying to decide whether to enroll in online or onsite classes, read on to learn more about how to choose the best.. READ MORE »
Vaccines are one of the most useful medical creations of all time. They involve introducing antigens—a substance that the immune system will attack, like dead or weakened viruses—into the body, typically via injection. This can allow people to develop immunities to a range of illnesses, and also to do a better job of fighting against illnesses they have. Many illnesses—like measles, mumps, polio, and more—were once incredibly deadly and affected many people. By preventing the spread of deadly diseases and helping people manage illnesses they already have, vaccines have saved millions of lives over the past centuries. Today, there are.. READ MORE »
If you’re considering a career in pharmaceutical science, you may be motivated by a desire to help others heal. You may see how central medications are to the health of members of your community, and understand how, worldwide, quality of life is closely tied to access to pharmaceuticals. Vulnerable members of your community need skilled professionals to connect them with the medications that help them live life to the fullest—and in many cases, simply to live. But what happens when the prices for pharmaceuticals put them beyond the reach of those who need them most? That’s the question facing today’s.. READ MORE »
Natural health products (NHPs) are over-the-counter substances that can normally be purchased in any health store or pharmacy. Some common substances that are categorized as natural health products include: vitamins and minerals, herbal medicines, energy drinks and probiotics. Pharmaceutical industry professionals know that all NHPs sold in Canada are subject to the Natural Health Product Regulations, under the authority of the Food and Drugs Act. These regulations are implemented to address Canadians’ concerns about NHP safety and availability as well as regulate their sale, manufacturing, packaging, labelling and distribution processes. Students pursuing pharmaceutical careers will soon learn all about natural.. READ MORE »
“It’s been a hard day’s night and I’ve been working like a dog/It’s been a hard day’s night – I should be sleeping like a log.” The Beatles could not have possibly known that one of their hit singles would grow ever more relevant for today’s sleep-deprived masses. These days it seems as though everyone has work on their minds – and when you consider that life has become much more complex and stressful over the past decade or so, it’s no wonder we’re so restless. So where has all our sleep gone? (And how can we get it back!).. READ MORE »
Following somewhat shocking research that revealed Americans eat and drink one third of their calories away from home, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has put immense effort into passing a law that will require major restaurants to display calorie counts clearly on their menus. Vending machines, long-time providers of unhealthy snacks and beverages, will also be required to display calorie counts under the new law. The FDA hopes that as a result of the law, Americans will make healthier eating choices and restaurants will feel pressure to offer healthier meal options. The Road to Calorie Counts Today, two out.. READ MORE »
As the go-to caffeine buzz for college students and high schoolers, health officials have long been skeptical about the effects of energy drinks. With their lack of nutritional labelling, energy drinks are a huge concern for the health of young people. Packed with sugar, high caffeine levels, taurine (increases energy levels) and ginseng, energy drinks have long been claimed as a health product—something which is now changing. After several deaths related to the consumption of energy drinks, and many others who claim energy drink companies use false advertising, government regulatory affairs has stepped in to change the way energy drinks.. READ MORE »