Posts Tagged: pharmaceutical quality assurance program

Taking Pharma Courses? Here’s What You Can Expect as a Quality Assurance Technician

Quality assurance can be understood as the process-oriented aspect of quality management, where specific procedures and processes are followed to ensure that the final product meets all industry standards. In this way, quality assurance becomes essential, preventing defects and mistakes throughout the manufacturing process. With a background in pharmaceutical quality assurance, professionals can pursue a career as quality assurance technicians. Here, they can complete a variety of tasks to ensure the top quality of pharmaceutical products—checking quality systems and conducting quality assurance audits among many other responsibilities. Through their efforts, the proper processes and procedures can be implemented to create.. READ MORE »

Pharmaceutical Quality: A Good Manufacturing Practices Guide

When attaining an education in pharmaceutical quality training, you’ll become well-versed in the principles of quality control and quality assurance. These are principles that guide the pharmaceuticals industry in ensuring that all products are developed, manufactured, and sold in a safe and effective manner. Whether you work in a laboratory or reviewing documents, you’ll be part of a necessary system of making sure the drugs consumers use do not cause them harm.  Good Manufacturing Practices, or GMP, is one part of quality assurance. Governing pharmaceutical as well as radiopharmaceutical, biological, and veterinary drugs, GMPs ensure that these substances are consistently.. READ MORE »

What to Know about the Role of Pharmacopoeias During Quality Assurance Training

Pharmacopoeias contain recipes for the creation of thousands of drugs, so here are the international versions to be aware of during quality assurance courses.

Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Pros Rejoice: A New Alzheimer’s Drug May Slow Mental Decline

It is estimated by the Alzheimer Society of Canada that about 564,000 Canadians will suffer from dementia in 2016. Medical professionals will diagnose an additional 25,000 cases every single year, and by 2031 it is believed the number of patients suffering from dementia will rise to 937,000. Dementia is a huge problem not only in Canada, but across the globe. Unfortunately, there haven’t been any significant scientific breakthroughs that could slow the progress of the disease—until now. If you’re a student enrolled in a pharmaceutical program, you may understand the groundbreaking impact this scientific breakthrough could bring to dementia patients… READ MORE »

4 Personalized Medicine Protocols Explained for Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Program Students

The medical landscape has undergone a dramatic shift recently, due in large part to massive technological advances that have improved the levels of precision and treatment that were previously being used. This constant growth in technological capabilities has allowed pharmaceutical companies to constantly innovate, test new products, and market better treatments for their patients. What this means is that there are always new products that need to undergo extensive quality control and assurance in order to be marketed and sold to the masses. This steady stream of work makes doing pharmaceutical quality assurance an attractive career option. If you’re interested.. READ MORE »
