Posts Tagged: pharmaceutical quality control

Prescription Painkillers Pose Major Threat

Thousands of patients in Canada and the US die from prescription painkillers every year. More people die from opioid overdoses than they do from heroin and cocaine use combined. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, enough prescription painkillers were prescribed in 2010 to medicate every American adult around-the-clock for one month. Health care professionals acknowledge that the problem of painkiller-related deaths has reached epidemic proportions – and a McGill University research team wants to know why. They’ve compiled an unprecedented review of clinical research in order to understand what’s driving this destructive trend. Media misrepresentation Mainstream media.. READ MORE »

Quality Control Professionals: Essential for Safer Drug Development

Quality control professionals are at the forefront of safer drug development, using cutting-edge technology and rigorous protocols to reinforce GMP in pharmaceutical products. From HPLC testing and Validation, to Quality Auditing, certified team members work together to ensure the efficacy of new treatments, and the protection of patient health.

Deceptive Claims, Misleading Marketing: 40 States Sue GlaxoSmithKline

Pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline has been hit with yet another marketing violation. The drugmaker has paid $105 million to more than 40 American states who filed suit against GSK for promoting off-label uses for its antidepressants. But financial payouts are proving little more than slaps on the wrist for the repeat offender who continues to engage in illegal promotional strategies.

Custom Made Lab Organs Revolutionize Drug Testing

Imagine being able to grow part of an organ in a lab – and then run tests on its functioning in order to truly understand how best to treat a particular condition. Rather than use human subjects to test new therapies, which involves costly and complex pharmaceutical quality control protocols, researchers could develop customized treatments using genetically engineered samples. Organ-on-a-chip Scientists from Harvard’s Wyss Institute, Boston Children’s Hospital, and the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have collaborated to revolutionize clinical research with new organ-on-a-chip technology. Using patient stem cells, the team actually engineered part of a heart. The.. READ MORE »

Drug prices Double, Triple: Fair Play or Foul Practice?

Canadians are plagued by skyrocketing drug prices, and in many cases are unable to afford life-saving treatments. Big Pharma defends its position, maintaining that an influx of cheap generics has forced it to inflate name brand pricing.

India’s Pharma Non-Compliance Nightmare

FDA investigators expose India-based Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries for tampering with test data and a complete failure to maintain sanitary conditions in its laboratories. Inspectors encounter human waste, rodent traps, and manufacturing refuse at the plant, prompting a ban on US exports.

Pet Meds: Pharma’s New Drug Market

Within recent years, there’s been an explosion of pet-related products and vigorous marketing campaigns to promote them – gourmet foods, designer outerwear, luxurious accessories. Mainstream media has aggressively promoted pets as valued family members, and most of us know a dog or two who is pampered and protected on par with a newborn baby! The status gap between domestic animals and their owners is quickly diminishing. So, it’s no wonder that clinical research and pharmaceutical drug discovery is devoting increased resources to pet meds – drugs that address conditions we would normally associate with humans, but that afflict that increasingly.. READ MORE »

Caffeine for the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease

Western medicine loves its pharmaceuticals. There are pills, injections, inhalers and patches for every conceivable ailment. It seems that each month brings a new drug delivery system to pharmacy shelves and medicine cabinets, promising to relieve or cure whatever ails us.  Unfortunately, our dependence on chemical compounds has brought with it a slew of unwanted side-effects, the problem of antibiotic resistance, and in many cases has moved us no closer to preventing devastating disease. Looking instead to nature for answers, scientists from the universities of Bonn and Lille have presented groundbreaking clinical research on the cognitive benefits of caffeine. With.. READ MORE »

“Synthetic” Livers Reduce Need for Lab Animals

Most of us, even those who wouldn’t call themselves pet-friendly, would love to see an end to animal lab testing. But the truth is, the practice remains central to our discovery of essential new medicines. Every new therapy from cancer treatments to neurological therapies is first tested for safety on animals before being administered to humans. With few viable alternatives, clinical research and drug discovery has continued to rely on animal testing as an unavoidable evil. That is, until now. Focused on finding more humane solutions, scientists around the world are coming up with some astonishingly innovative animal-free testing options… READ MORE »

The Rise of High-tech Health Care

When we think about our favourite apps, social media sites or video games, chances are we’re not considering how they might improve our health, further clinical research, or even save lives in the operating room. Doctors, healthcare professionals and patients are increasingly engaged with digital devices – technology that may have begun as entertainment, but has now evolved to hold a much more impactful place in our lives. Take a look at three of the most talked about tech trends that are changing the landscape of traditional health care.     Quantitative Self and Personalized Big Data A new movement.. READ MORE »
